Today: Holt Renfrew again (mainly to get my new jeans altered), Union Station, Starbucks, then 1 King West to meet my family. I took a LOTTTTT of pictures, so I've decided to make this entry into 2 parts. The 2nd part will HOPEFULLY come tomorrow, or the day after, depending on how I feel after what I anticipate to be the most terrifying experience of my life so far -- wisdom teeth extraction. *faints*
This is the one right across from 1 King West. I have decided it's the best Starbucks I've ever been to. It's pretty big inside, and the decorations are a bit different from all the other Starbucks (ie. some exposed brick walls!) & there's a large table at the back (under those lights)..I'm gonna be spending a LOT of time here from now on. It will be like my second third home. Today I saw quite a few interesting/artsy-type people in here.
ps - I love Tazo tea.
I decided to get off at Union & then walk to King since I love walking in that area. It's all business-y & all business people but I just love the buildings. Left; 1KW is that tiny white building. Right; Union Station -- I love Union Station because of all the people rushing around to catch the train & all the tourists!!!
I got to the condo to find my mom & my sister already there. We sat here (a lounge area I guess) to wait for my dad. Then we went up to the room to take a bunch of pictures & measurements. I'll save those pictures for the next blog entry..
We decided to have Japanese food for dinner...