New purchases! The bag is my mom's, the blue clutch is mine.
Interning at Gucci is making me want to shop there more and more..I've wanted the royal blue clutch as soon as we got the shipment in! I love the colour so much. But suede is a bit hard to take care of..
omg both bags are BEAUTIFUL the colours of yours are just...ahhh i'm so jealous right now lol! I wish I could even afford a keyring or something from there :( !
ReplyDeleteI think the bag looks fantastic on you! It's too bad the sales aren't the same in Canada as the States.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize you were planning to quit! Hopefully you'll find another position really soon then!
the colour of the blue is so hard to photograph! it looks better real life I think lol
ReplyDeletehahah yea I want to try Holt Renfrew..I'm not sure if I'd like LV as much because their SAs always seem so intimidating
well my internship actually ends in january/february..I forgot the exact date. but usually internships only last a couple months..but they said we can continue there if we wanted.
Wow lucky you! Get to see all the fresh instock item first! You totally rock the blue Gucci! Goes with any outfit. Do you know if they have 203520 FN04G 9643 in store? Is it true that Holt's mark up the price higher than the actual gucci store?
ReplyDeletehmm do you know the style name? I didn't memorize any of the codes hahah =\
& no..I'm pretty sure the prices are the same for both places
Gucci vanity medium hobo - grey color? I'm not sure how gucci's bag name work. They are not like LV where each style have their own name and each pattern another name.
ReplyDeletelol yea I'm not too familiar with the names either..
ReplyDeleteI really don't remember if they have that one..if it's part of the fall collection they probably do. But you should call in and check.