
191. caviarmaki

My sister went to Las Vegas a few weeks ago & brought me back some souvenirs..

Shot glass

Spice Route is definately the "new Pravda" with everything in life, when I have a new obsession I would go/eat/listen (ie. Americano song)/do it excessively until I get bored of it. I seem to be at Spice Route and/or Brassaii every couple nights now. & I haven't been to Pravda in a month already? when I used to be there at least once or twice a week.

Stairs from the path to my lobby..

South of Temperance last night. I met up with my next door neighbour who I haven't seen in like 2 years. He used to live beside me at 1KW then left the country for awhile and now he's back!
I've only been to South of Temperance once last summer - I think their patio is the best thing about it. But even so, I don't get all the hype about this place. There's much nicer patios around..

Check out my other luxury hotels/restaurants/etc blog!


190. once you have a fish on the line you reel it in and you cook it

I know the CN Tower looks like its been horribly photoshopped in but it's just because my phone camera sucks.
Yesterday was such a beautiful day. Perfect weather which was a nice change from the non-stop rain we've been getting all week. After an evening stroll with Hennessy I went back out to meet my friend at....

Brassaii! I seem to be coming here more and more lately.

Some more pictures taken from my phone over the past couple days..

The courtyard behind my building.

Hennessy standing up to watch as the men in suits walked by.

Crepes a GoGo ! The Crepe Tartinade..which was like Nutella + strawberries

George Clooney in my lobby!

My lobby


189. 13 hours of lounge-hopping

Pictures from my day of lounge-hopping on thursday..I didn't get a few of the places because my Blackberry's camera sucks. Next time I should bring an actual camera.

First we were gonna go to the Thompson Hotel's rooftop patio but didn't end up getting up there so we walked along King St and ended up at Spice Route - well we were there a bit too early as you can we left and went to Brassaii !


As we left Brassaii it started raining. Since I'm so high maintenence I asked my friend to go back home for his umbrella while I waited in LCBO lol. All this Fruli made me very happy..

Next stop: Rosewater Supper Club .

A couple hours later (we took a short break) we went to Stirling Room. It was my first time at this place. The decoration in there was pretty cool..we came around 7pm, it was kind of dead here. Actually, completely dead. But we mainly came to meet some people

After Stirling Room, we went back to the other side of the city..went to a place called Cameron House but didn't stay because they didn't serve food! So we left and went to Rivoli to eat - biggest ripoff ever!!!! Never eating here again. Trust me..not worth it. Plus they don't even have servers.

Back on King Street West..back to Brassaii! We love this place

Then back to Spice Route! We went on the patio this time.

The "firking fire" - Spice Route is officially my new summer spot. It might just be the new Pravda..

But of night is really complete without a final stop at Pravda hahah. I was so tired at this point.

Overall, it was a fun day/night - looking forward to more of these days during the summer!!! Next time we should just walk down the street and stop at every place along the way. Or maybe a patio-hop..


188. Alexander McQueen | Savage Beauty

This is the book published for the Alexander McQueen Savage Beauty exhibit opening at the Metropolitan Museum of Art tomorrow. Since I love/collect coffeetable books and I love Alexander McQueen, I HAD to have this. I was suprised at how fast it arrived - I ordered it on friday and it came yesterday (monday)!

The cover is the coolest thing ever. It turns from a golden skull into the face of Alexander McQueen..I attempted to take a video of it (posted on my FB) but found this video instead, which shows it much better:

& here's a few of my favourite pages from the book. I had to resist taking a picture of EVERY page lol:

Fall/Winter 1997

Fall/Winter 2001

Fall/Winter 1996

Fall/Winter 2010 (one of my favourite collections)

Fall/Winter 2010

Fall/Winter 2008 (another one of my favourite collections)

Spring/Summer 2010

Spring/Summer 2010

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