Andy Warhol x Dom Perignon..a combination of two things I love. I want this entire collection!!
So I guess I am officially finished school now/graduating university. I'm really not sure what the next step is..all I know is that this is going to be an exciting year, if everything works out the way I'm imagining in my head. I will be off to Europe in a few weeks. After that, I'm really not sure...wish I just got a one-way ticket. All I want to do is travel the world. I don't know how it will happen but somehow I can see it being possible.
It still hasn't hit me yet that I'm finished. I feel like I'm wasting time now & that I should be using this time to work on hmwk or something..can't wait to fully plan my Eurotrip!!!!

After a couple months of trying foundation by Laneige, I am back with Dior. I really like the new packaging!

Stopped by the LV store a few days ago to admire the graphite and new vernis products. I actually really like the new vernis colours, very bright and great for spring! I want another Alma so badly. & something in graphite too, even though it's for men. I've always wanted a boy to shop for - as long as he buys me LV in return! ;)

I'm considering purchasing a new luggage bag on my trip..guesses which one?

Went for brunch at La Societe with my sister a few days ago. This place is becoming one of my favourite restaurants.

The strawberry and nutella crepe I got..so so so so so good!!! Must return for it sometime.

My lobby

They were filming Suits again in my ballroom. I really love this show! They always film it around my area..I hope to someday see/meet Patrick J Adams heheh. Maybe I should sneak onto the set one of these days.

White peach bellini on the Earls patio - my favourite summer drink.

Lunch with my mom and sister last week at Grazie..this place has the best pasta ever! This time I got the smoked salmon pasta. It was delicious.

The bruschetta was very good too.

My lunch today - grilled chicken and apple caesar salad from iQ Food. ok, I will stop with all the food pics! I'm making myself hungry.

Thought I should get rid of this bear before he's fully beheaded by my vicious little Pomeranian.