
267. London | pain perdu

Cupcakes at Harrods during the Queen's Jubilee! In the spirit of the London 2012 Olympics starting today, I thought I'd make another vacation post of this city. It's already been 2 months since I was here..I feel so nostalgic already.
AND I also realized it's been 4 years since I've been living at 1KW. I was watching the opening ceremony earlier when I suddenly remembered I moved here during the 2008 Olympics, as I spent my first couple weeks watching it everyday. These past four years could not have flown by more quickly. I wonder where I'll be in another 4 years' time..

I miss London.

Sanderson Hotel for Mad Hatter's Afternoon Tea

Eating a pain perdu while waiting for my flight to Copenhagen at Gatwick Airport's Cafe Rouge at 4am. My flight was at 7am - don't ask why I decided to book it so early. My table was beside a huge window so I sat there eating breakfast, watching the sunrise and watching planes take off/land. It was one of the most memorable moments of my vacation, even if it sounds kind of insignificant.
This was the first time I tried pain perdu and I LOVED IT. Then I began to order this at every place I went during my vacation if it was on the menu.

After I realized I was spending WAY too much money on cabs, I tried a double decker bus. I sat at the front row on the top level. Probably the best and cheapest method of sightseeing.



  1. Thanks for your sweet comment, you have a very interesting blog too. Of course we can follow each other, I just made it on gfc. I wait for you to make the same. I would appreciate if you follow my facebook fanpage too.

  2. I'm glad you had a good time in my home town! ;) yes buses are much cheaper than cabs in London! x

    1. I can't wait to go back..
      I love London cabs but they're way too expensive!

  3. Very nice photos of London. Thank You for a nice comment, of course we can follow each other.

    I'm already your new follower, Katarzyna Sz.

  4. Great photos of London. I lived there for six years and must have done the journey Lux-Ldn about 110 times. It's my second home.

  5. Thanks ! Beautiful photographies ! ^^

  6. Really cute pictures of London!!!^^


  7. I love London!!!

  8. I've never been to London and this all looks so amazing, love your photos :)

  9. Very nice Blog! I like it a lot ;D

  10. Ahhhhh Tiffany~~ Are you in London now?
    How fun!! nice~~ perfect time ;)
    I just watched the Olympics in the morning haha
    Your photos are always great! I miss London so much:( Can you send me one Laduree macaroon? lol

    Pinkbow Icecream

    1. lol I these were from my trip there 2 months ago. I wish I could get some Laduree macarons too now.. :(

  11. wow, what a temptation.

  12. London looks amazing! I *sort of* regret not stopping by when I had the chance to go to Paris, the bf wanted to stay for three days but I didn't however what decided it in the end was the flights lol, the only flight that worked for us was the straight flight to Paris, but oh well it turned out all right because we got to stay longer in Paris that way =3

    Omg has it really been 2 months already since the trips?! Time really does fly and you're heading to new york possibly? Hope to see some gorgeous photos if you do! I really like those black and white prints of London.

    Ok, won't lie, the eyes on the back of those chairs sort of creep me out lol and I'm sooooo jelly you got to go to the Albert and Victoria museum!!!

    P.S I always get super super sad when I think about how they tore down the Crystal Palace for the fist world expo =( Every time I imagine how beautiful it would have been tears me apart!

    1. aw you should've just taken the Eurostar to London from Paris! it's only an hour away. but London requires a lot of time you should just plan a trip there for longer next time ;]

      I's so long ago it seems!! lol I won't be as excited about NYC though..

      actually I didn't go to the V&A :( I didn't have time. I did even less in London than I did in many things on my list for "next time" !!

      wow I just Googled the Crystal Palace..looks amazing!!

  13. OMG! Those photos are amazing! I miss London so much - I used to live there.

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  14. of course I would love to follow each other. I'm following you now, please do the same.

  15. these are such beautiful pictures of london!

    i lived in london two years ago and i miss it everyday.

  16. I love love love london so much and am planning to move there!! :)

  17. amazing, we love london so much!


  18. London is dream <3
    oh would you like to follow each other?

  19. Great photos Tiffany! Want to go back there asap! Love the cupcakes. xoxo ES

  20. such a gorg country, hope i can go there one day haha :D anw you're such a talented photographer sweetie! sure following you now, hope to see you soon in mine,kisses

  21. I feel very lucky living in London, especially during 2012 - it's been an amazing year for Britain! Hope you get to visit again soon. Thanks for your comment on my blog, hope you come back again soon! Cx

  22. EVERYTHING is so pretty! I wish I could be in London right now :) How very very cool!

    Oh and my GFC is being weird, but it let me follow you through it using my twitter... how cool is that?! I didn't know you could do that :)

  23. of course, i follow you with massive pleasure <3

  24. U made me miss London so much. BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS & MEMORIES <3

  25. I just discovered your blog - lovely pics and so happy to read about how much you like London!

  26. The good parts of London are great - I feel very privileged to be living there! Come visit again soon! ^_^

  27. lovely post!!! everything look so pretty!


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