
303. Lucerne + Zurich

Bucherer Rolex store Lucerne
Before I leave for NYC, I'm going to try to post as much as I can of the remainder of my Europe photos from this summer. Keyword here is try. I can't believe Christmas is merely a few days away!! Not prepared for it yet and certainly not in the spirit of it either. We still haven't gotten any snow and I haven't gotten any Christmas shopping done yet.

Here are some photos from my short stay in Switzerland back in May.

Lucerne bridge
Kapellbrucke Luzern
That was my second time visiting Lucerne. I will always remember the feeling I got when I saw this bridge in person for the first time ever. When I was really young, I saw a photo of it in a travel brochure. I think I cut it out and tried to draw it too. At first I had no idea where it was but I always thought it represented a quintessential little European town. Then when I visited Lucerne for the first time, I was aimlessly wandering when I turned the corner to find it right in front of me. It's one of those incredible feelings - seeing something in person that you originally thought only existed in photos. That's probably why I decided to return to Lucerne again this summer (because to be honest, as pretty as it is there's not a whole lot to do in this least not enough to justify my going twice in a span of 5 years)

Lucerne buildings beside the river
There's my hotel - "Balances". Will do a review on it soon.

Lucerne Switzerland
Balances restaurant Lucerne
Vandalizing Kapellbrucke. Anyone heading there soon? Let me know if it's still there!


Louis Vuitton Zurich
Of course I had to drop by LV. It's nice and large here!

Breguet Zurich
Another favourite brand - Breguet. Though I'm still waiting on my first..

Credit Suisse Zurich
I love all the boutiques here - huge selections & everyone is so well-dressed.

Zurich lake
Strolling beside the lake. I only spent about half a day in Zurich; half of that time I was eating/people-watching in Sprungli.

TGV train schedule
Next destination: Paris! (via Basel)

Basel train station food
Shameless self-promotion + food at the Basel train station

Leftbanked business card
More self-promotion. (If you don't know: I love to scatter mini blog business cards all over the places I travel to)

Switzerland souvenirs and ticket stubs

This post archived in: Travel


  1. Love these pics!!!!!


  2. Never been to Zurich but definitely will put it on my Travel Wishlist!

    check my latest outfit post:

  3. Amazing photos of Zurich and Lucerne. Switzerland is very nice to visit but expensive. I remember paying 7Euros for a latte in St Moritz but the views are gorgeous! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you. We finally have snow here in TO! Enjoy NYC!

  4. I would love to visit Luzern one day! It looks so beautiful. Ever since my first trip to Switzerland this summer, I want to see more of it. xo


  5. love the pics, they are so cool! I love switzerland, during summertime it's amazing!

    btw I do scatter some of my business cards around too haha! u never KNOW!

  6. that is so cool!! checking out u blog always made me want to travel like instantaneously!! :) i'd love to go on the train in Europe and just wander around~ would love to go to Switzerland one day, too.. and God, it hasn't snow yet in toronto? but i bet it must be already pretty cold by now, ya? oh, and thanks for your lovely comment! i know it's weird that we are just finally passing Autumn here in LA but already pretty much like winter over there.. well, except the snow part!! :D

    1. it has been cold but not freezing yet..pretty warm winter (for Toronto standards) so far!

  7. I wish I could visit switzerland ! your post makes me want it so bad even more !

    Elegantesque Blog

  8. Gorgeous<3 Everything looks picture perfect & out of a movie~ Love it.

    Happy Holidays~


  9. hi! hope you don't mind, but around how much (ballpark number) is your suite at 1KW?
    i'm looking for a place downtown! thanks

  10. love these pictures, The place is really nice.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  11. Great pics :) You are so lucky to be going to NYC for New Years x

  12. Gorgeous!!! Looks so peaceful too, was it very warm there during the early summer? I always imagine it to be somewhat cold =P and....where's all the chocolate? Isn't this the land of cocoa bars? LOL That story of you and your "history" with the little bridge is adorable and I'm happy you got to go there twice! Also I really really love the photo with your laptop and the champagne for some reason, looks so lux =)

    I have heard of the Deyrolle museum in Paris and I wish I went too, sigh I missed a lot of things in Paris, I wanted to go to the catacombs too etc. oh wells, maybe next time lol I also want to go to Palace of Versailles again and spend a whole day in their garden and have a picnic there.

    P.S I'm not sure if you watched Disney's Ratatouille but I wanted to look for the store that sold rat traps etc.

    1. yea it was kind of hot the days I was there!
      hahah I actually don't like chocolate too much. I got a couple waiting for me when I checked into my hotel room though
      I wanted to visit the Catacombs too but ran out of time..well I kind of planned to go with some people I just met there, but they decided to go early one morning & I (unsurprisingly) slept in lol
      hmm no I haven't seen it. Sounds like an interesting store though!

  13. Great photos! They look so beautiful, your hotel is gorgeous!

  14. Beautiful photos!!! I wish I can witness the beauty of Switzerland with my own eyes one day!
    Merry Christmas, dear! May all your dreams come true!!

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  15. It's fun to see that you visited Switzerland! I'm very often there and especially in Basel.
    Hope you enjoyed this little country ;)


  16. Merry Christmas darling! Have a blast in NYC and can't wait to read all about it. Haven't traveled Switzerland yet, so looking forward to doing that soon xoxo ES

  17. In a few months I'll visit Switzerland and I can't wait! I'll try to visit that beautiful bridge ;)
    Have a wonderful time with your family!
    Kristina recently posted.. A Very Merry Christmas.

  18. You traveling to amazing places as always ;)
    Merry Christmas honey!! xx

  19. Such beautiful pictures!
    Thanks for sharing with us




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