I can't believe I still have photos left to post from my 2012 Europe trip! Next time I go on vacation I definitely won't procrastinate with my travel posts again (I think I say this every time). In case you're bored with all the London and Paris photos I've been posting lately, here's one of my favourite cities - Prague. The few days I spent in Prague that summer were some of the most fun I've had in Europe (so far). I enjoyed the city so much, I must go back again someday..preferably in the winter. I'm sure it would be a lot more magical and picturesque with snow-covered rooftops.

That trip to Europe was the first time I ever travelled alone (I prefer it over travelling with someone/people now). I was so happy and excited whenever I met the locals, I talked to everyone who made conversation with me. It was extremely easy in Prague. On my first walk around the area, in the span of an hour I probably met about 20 people with more dinner/drinks/club invitations than I had time for. The most fun was with these guys, and the worst was probably this experience I had sitting across this absinthe shop. Well, when I think back it seemed a bit dangerous. Now that I have more experience travelling alone, I am no longer as trusting of random strangers.
I don't remember if I wrote about this before already. I was trying to find my way to Charles Bridge and took a wrong turn. I ended up sitting on a bench here to look at the map. A guy came up and sat beside me. The first thing he said to me was "do you want a sip?" as he offered his bottle of water. I said no. He asked me where I was from, what I was doing in Prague, etc. He was from Russia but went back and forth quite often. Then he showed me a piece of paper and a whip. I asked what the whip was for and he said it was decoration for a house, as he was an interior designer. Hmmmm....
Then he said he was going to put up the piece of paper/sign in his shop and will be back to bring me to Charles Bridge. He told me to wait for him. So he left and I just stayed at the bench..I didn't really care about waiting for him, but I was so tired (remember not to wear heels in the cobblestone streets of Prague) so I needed the rest. He came back in about 20min and was surprised I was still there. We chatted some more and he asked if I wanted to wait for him to get his car, so he could drive me around and to Charles Bridge. I said sure. I have no idea what I was thinking but for some reason I was actually considering getting in the car. So he left again to get his car..and suddenly I started thinking of different scenarios like him driving me to an unknown place and not letting me get out. I knew Charles Bridge was a couple minutes' walk from where I was, so I knew he wasn't planning on driving me there. After a few more horrific possible scenarios passed through my mind..I immediately got up and walked away as fast as I could. I made it safely to Charles Bridge. I ended up meeting someone else (who wasn't as weird) who brought me out for drinks and around the city. Fun night!

By Prague Castle