
376. Paris | Père Lachaise Cemetery

Edith Piaf grave
The Pere Lachaise Cemetery is a large and beautiful cemetery in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. I didn't have time to visit it when I was in Paris a few months ago, but I went in 2012. Here are some photos I took. I met a man named Luc when I was there. He randomly came up to me and asked if we could walk together. He lived nearby and always takes walks around the cemetery. He didn't speak much English so we spent most of the time just walking around in silence. It was kind of annoying and a bit awkward. I would've preferred to explore a cemetery by myself since it would be much more peaceful. Since he was following me around I didn't stay that long, and only visited a few of the graves I wanted to see. I definitely need to go back again and spend more time there. The Edith Piaf one took us awhile to find (in the photo above). I'm sure most of you know her famous song La Vie En Rose (one of my favourite French songs!). There's other famous people buried here such as Max Ernst, Jim Morrison, Eugene Delacroix, Chopin, Gertrude Stein, and many others. The main one I wanted to see of course was Oscar Wilde's tomb:

Oscar Wilde Pere Lachaise
Oscar Wilde grave
Oscar Wilde tomb
The glass around it is full of kisses and messages written in lipstick.

Pere Lachaise Cemetery
Pere Lachaise grave
Pere Lachaise Mauthausen tomb
Pere Lachaise graves
Pere Lachaise cemetery
Pere Lachaise cemetery
Pere Lachaise cemetery
Pere Lachaise cemetery
Pere Lachaise Cemetery map
souvenirs from Paris

This post archived in: Travel


  1. Mauthausen! That's the concentration camp I visited when I was in secondary school. It's weird when guys suddenly join you and stick like glue. I've had that happen to me several times. This cemetery is one of the several attractions that I have never visited when in Paris. I should go one day!

    1. There were a lot of graves there from Mauthausen and other concentration camps. Yea it's pretty annoying..I'm too nice and not sure how to politely tell them to leave me alone lol. You definitely should go!

  2. So beautiful! I never got to visit the cemetery when I went too, a friend of mine did and loved it. It's definitely high on my list the next time I go back.

    Hope you're well lovely, need to go through and check out what's been going on with you lately!

    1. It is a really nice cemetery..I want to go again next time.
      Thanks, hope you've been well too!


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