The weather here in Toronto has gotten really cold now. I started wearing my winter clothes and last night I even turned on the heat. I can't believe it's almost the Christmas season again. This year flew by so fast. It feels like just yesterday I was in Asia when it was already a year ago. & I still remember my Christmas and New Year's celebrations as if they just happened. It was a really good year for me (starting with my major renovations which I am still obsessed with and haven't fully completed yet) and right now I am probably the happiest I've ever been. I am excited for what is to come. It's funny how life can change so drastically and unexpectedly in such a short amount of time. More on this in a future post. It's still too early to do a "year in review" type of post lol.
Here are some photos from the past few weeks which I realize now consist of 90% food. I am going to make a conscious effort from now on to take less food pics and more of other things (like I used to do years ago on this blog)

A very successful attempt at paella!! ❤

Another new and recent obsession: the "Tower Club Sandwich" in my building's restaurant

Oh but I love your food pics! Please keep posting.