
609. Rockies Roadtrip | Day 19 - Return to Vancouver

Canada Place Vancouver
On the second last day of our Rockies Roadtrip, we drove all the way back from Jasper to Vancouver. After so many days on the road we became more experienced with long drives (well, my friends did as I didn't drive at all lol) so we made it back to Vancouver in a good amount of time and earlier than expected. As we were all leaving the following day, we stayed at the River Rock Casino Resort near the airport. I wanted to try the casino but unfortunately didn't have time. There wasn't anything too special about our stay there..just the highlight was an unpleasant experience with our housekeeper "B" hahha. I realized now I don't have any photos from the hotel..I could've sworn I took some so maybe I accidentally deleted them all. Hmm. Anyways, after arriving and checking in, we went to return our rental Jeep.

Afterwards we decided to go to our favourite Cactus Club at Coal Harbour for a final dinner. As always we had a really nice time. I really miss my friends now! After so many days together it was hard to say goodbye. I probably mentioned in the very beginning but I went on this trip with two of my friends from Luxembourg. It was our first time travelling together (my first trip ever with friends actually) and it was a LOT of fun. So many funny memories I will always remember. I will definitely have to visit them in Luxembourg next year.. :)

During the time we were there, it was when BC had a lot of forest wildfires. We were able to see some of them on our drives. The final day was the worst. The air got really smoggy and for some parts we couldn't see far out the window. In this photo below I think it was a factory fire though which literally just started moments before we passed by (as we were able to see the actual flames)

Vancouver fire
BC Wildfire
& in this photo above, you can see the smokey air. We could actually smell it too. It was lucky that it only happened on our final day though as otherwise we would've missed a lot of the beautiful scenery. We had the best weather and clear skies on all the previous days though.

Coal Harbour Vancouver
Coal Harbour
Cactus Club Coal Harbour
Cactus Club
Cactus Club bellini
Cactus Club Vancouver
Vancouver harbour
Canada 150
This will be my final Rockies Roadtrip post. I know it has stretched on long enough hahaha (since I came back to Toronto in August!) The final day/my flight back to Toronto is kind of a blur to me. I just remember having a nice long breakfast with my friends at the hotel then we all went to the airport and parted ways. This was an amazing trip though and I'm glad I got to explore (again) some more parts of my own country and Anouk and Dan were the best to travel with!

Next I still have to finish some of my Asia posts from last year. It feels like I didn't really do a lot of travelling this year. Well this was my only major trip this year but in the beginning of the year I was pretty busy with renovations. In the past a good or "bad" year (to be honest I never had any that was fully bad) was mostly based on how many trips I went on and how they were. This year was probably the best I've ever had in my life so far, based on a few other non-travel related events.



  1. I clearly remember our breakfast / brunch with the delicious mac & cheese! And the "B" incident at which I was present but didn't realise what was going on as I was busy with social media, lol. Yes, in 2018 you must come to Luxembourg!

    1. I totally forgot about the mac and cheese..I was pretty unimpressed hahah. Whole Foods will always be the best!
      Hahaha yes while me and Dan were busy handling the incident you were taking selfies!!
      I can't wait :D


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