Getting to the Island was quite an unconventional journey though. There are no boats that take you directly there and the Island itself doesn't arrange your transportation. There are also no scheduled boat departures..and also, the port of Iquitos is not very tourist-friendly (there's no signs or anything, and people don't speak English). You kind of have to figure everything out on your own. Everyone there were locals and walking down to the port on wooden planks was quite scary for me lol. Luckily we had a guide in Iquitos who took us to the boat. The rest of the journey we had to figure out ourselves. Fortunately my boyfriend speaks/is Spanish so that helped a lot. I would not have survived there on my own.
Here are the scenes from Iquitos port. I really loved it (even though I hated walking on the planks) - it felt like a really authentic experience and we were the only foreigners around.

Then we went in a boat headed to "Varadero" port. One of these boats:

This was Varadero port. We got out and was kind of confused what to do next.

Oh & this was what we had to walk on lol. I was sooooo nervous.

Finally it came and we were off!

We arrived!

This was my favourite one!

Most of them were these - Woolly monkeys

Heading back..we had to do the same route. Take a boat from the Island to Varadero, then from there head back to Iquitos.

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