We are already halfway through our time in Azores! When we first planned this trip, I thought a month would seem really long but the time is flying by. Staying in Ponta Delgada has been really nice and already feels like "home". We have some favourite places already and some sort of routine.
A couple days ago we planned and booked our next destinations. We are in Azores until the end of this month. After that we will spend about 1 week in Porto (& Douro Valley!). After that, we will spend 1 month in Canary Islands. I am excited but I am a bit nervous as the COVID situation will be worse there. In Azores it feels pretty safe. We haven't planned anything after Canary Islands yet but we may go to Germany in November. I've always wanted to visit the Christmas markets there.
So this post will be a bunch of random photos that didn't fit into any of the other posts before. Mostly food pics taken from my phone lol.
PS - I'm sending postcards from every destination we visit. Message me if you want to be added to my list!

We started running in the evenings. It's a nice environment for it here beside the ocean.

A cat we saw on one of the runs

A dog wandered up to us at Vila Franca. Then awhile later his owner came and found him.

Another cat on the street. I try to pet all the dogs/cats I see.

This is a Comur store. They sell gourmet canned foods (mostly seafood). I really love the packaging design of their cans. It was so difficult deciding which ones to buy! In the end I bought 6 cans. They are quite expensive and came out to be a bit over $100 CAD. I plan to give some away to family and will keep a couple for myself as souvenirs.

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