It takes on average 4 hours to get there from Fes which is quite a long time on bumpy roads. Especially someone who gets motion sickness (me). We stayed there 1 night only. Since it's a small place, a day is enough to explore it but it would have been nice to stay an extra night or two. It is a lot more relaxed than Fes.
I literally took photos at every turn since every corner was so pretty. I really like that the place feels authentic (even though it is also touristy now)..but I mean they didn't paint it all blue to attract tourists initially. A lot of locals there wear their traditional clothing and numerous cats roam the streets. The city was founded in 1471. They don't know the exact reason for having it all painted blue (could be because of the large Jewish settlement in the past, to keep mosquitoes away, to keep the city cool during the summer heat, to represent the colour of water, etc).
So I took approximately 300 photos during the entire time there which I managed to narrow down to 47. I will post them over 2 posts.

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